What is Donald Trump Thinking Amidst This Coronavirus Outbreak?

Home » What is Donald Trump Thinking Amidst This Coronavirus Outbreak?

In recent weeks, I’ve been seeing on social media, more than a fair share videos and news articles of Donald Trump fumbling his way through the coronavirus crisis. From when USA had just a handful of infections to becoming the country with the most number of infections, his speeches and actions continue to baffle me.

Here are a handful of my favourites…

Trump Downplaying The Virus Situation…

Throughout February 2020, we see him downplaying the threat of Covid-19


And Democrats’ New Hoax Saga…

At one point, he even called the criticism levelled against his administration, for their handling of the coronavirus situation, the Democrats’ New Hoax


Finally Says He Always Knew It Was a Pandemic…

And then, with a straight face, he told the press at the Coronavirus Task Force briefing the he has always known it was a pandemic.


Trumps Oval Office Address and the Mess it Created…

I’m now a fan of Trevor Noah and his program, The Daily Show… this video tops it all

It’s amazing how many mistakes he made in just one speech. And the bloopers were just as amazing; wondered how it even happen?


What’s More Shocking Is His Administration’s Sudden Blaming of China…

After initially praising China for their efforts in containing the virus, Trump and his administration made a shocking U-Turn and started indirectly blaming China in some of their tweets and speeches. He even called it the “Chinese Virus.”

And this was amidst reports floating up from around the world of violence and anger against Chinese and Asian people. This video shows him adamantly insisting it’s right to call it the “Chinese Virus.”


And Just When I Thought His Administration Is Finally Taking Things Serious …

He talks about his goals of re-opening the economy by Easter.

Easter is just weeks away. Let’s hope for the sake of our American brothers that he set’s his directions right henceforth.


Perhaps Google Was Right All Along…

During the congressional hearing in Dec 2018, Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai was asked why Donald Trump appears first on Google Image search for the term “idiot.”

Perhaps Google knew since 2018 what the rest of the world didn’t?

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